Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Welcome to my wild and wonderful website!

I have been wanting to start a website for the past year. As you know, teachers have very little time during the school year, so this was one of my summer goals! I have had a school webpage for the past 6 years, which allows me to post information (homework, spelling lists, class handbook, etc.) for my parents and students. My class also makes photo stories which are posted on that website. They are REAL cute. You can check out my class webpage with the button on the right.

The purpose of this website is to post pictures of class activities and give teaching tips and ideas.  Just like most teachers, I get tons of ideas from Pinterest, but I usually put my own twist to things. Every once in a while I actually come up with my own ideas! Ha! I will post also "Freebies" of worksheets and templates as the year progresses.

I am very excited about this school year. Right now I am busy getting my class room ready for the new year. Last night I found 2 zebra bean bag chairs at Big Lots.  I will post pictures of it once it is finished.

Please come back later to see my class room pictures and watch my website grow!

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